Individual Pension Plans (IPPs)
Individual Pension Plans (IPPs) are ideally suited for individuals who feel their retirement income may be insufficient because of their RRSP contribution limit or the benefit structure of their company’s pension plan. Typically, the plan is suited for key executives of an organization, self-employed professionals, or owner-managers. (IPPs are particularly appropriate for owner-managers over 45 years of age who earn over $100,000 and have already maximized their RRSP contributions.) IPPs offer many benefits for individuals:
Maximize Contributions: Unlike standard pension plans or RRSPs, there are no prescribed contribution limits for IPPs. IPPs are structured around individual factors – age, gender, and other specifics – to help an individual achieve the maximum allowable pension benefit.
Maximize Retirement Income: IPPs offer advantages regarding the treatment of plan surpluses, tax deductible contributions, sheltered growth, and the maximization of your estate.