Financial Insights
Monetary Policy 101
Monetary Policy 101 Bank of Canada and Interest Rates
The Bank of Canada influences interest rates for consumers and businesses. The “overnight rate”, set by the Bank of Canada is the foundation rate that all other interest rates are based upon.
Life Insurance Explained
The technicalities of life insurance can make it difficult to understand. Many clients are overwhelmed, or unsure about which option is best in terms of cost, coverage and meeting their goals.
Tax Free Savings Accounts – The Basics
A Tax-Free Savings Account, more commonly known as a TFSA, is a savings that can hold cash as well as investments. The TFSA was introduced to Canadians in 2009.
Snowbirds and U.S. Tax
Politicians are constantly searching for new tax revenue. Not wanting to upset national residents and ultimately voters, officials often include non-voting, foreign owners of domestic property as a key component to increasing tax revenue.
RDSP – What you need to know
A Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) was designed to allow Canadians with disabilities and their families to save. Unfortunately, many disabled individuals have diminished earning capabilities, and an increased cost of living.
Private Corporations and Taxation Across Canada
Tax planning should encompass all entities and individuals who are involved. The goal, typically, is to reduce total tax paid. Although some circumstances or timing may result in a shorter time horizon to be used, most owners and their families would benefit from a collaboration between their accountants and their financial advisors.
Protection for Investors and Depositors in Canada
Across Canada, investors wondered about the safety of their Home Capital, Home Trust, savings accounts and GICs. They are subject to continuous scrutiny by inspectors, regulators and the marketplace.
Key Person Insurance
Whether it is a front-line supervisor that runs the crews or organizes the work, a sales manager that creates and maintains customer relationships, or the owner of the company, the absence of a key person could place the success, or even survival, of a business in danger.
How Much Life Insurance is Enough?
Life insurance is the foundation of solid financial plan and it is important to make sure that you and your family are protected if there is an unexpected death. While each family has a unique situation that will determine their insurance needs, there are some factors that hold true for most people.
Tax Matters for HNW
The view about high-net-worth people is they probably have too much and don’t bother about taxes. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Rich people are just like everyday people. They bleed cash like every other regular Canadian.
The First Home Savings Account Has Arrived
Canadians have gotten a boost to save for buying a home. The new registered plan, the First Home Savings Account, became available on April 1, 2023, and was included in the last budget from the governing Liberals.
A Guide to Individual Disability Insurance
Disability insurance is designed to help you and your family cope financially in the event that you become disabled and are unable to work. The purpose of this type of insurance is to protect your earning potential, therefore protecting your savings and lifestyle.
Federal Budget April 2024
Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance delivered the most recent Federal Budget from the minority Liberals with input from their partner; NDP MPs.
Retirement Income Strategies
For decades retirement savers have been focusing on building the largest nest-egg possible. As their retirement date approaches the focus turns from asset accumulation to income generation.
Capital Gains 101
When income is generated, tax often reduces the amount an investor eventually receives. Whether it is employment or interest income, dividends or capital gains, the CRA has specific rules, regulations and rates to subject income to tax.
RRSP Basics
RRSPs are an extreme example of deferred gratification; doing something good now for a benefit that occurs much later.
Bonds 101
Bonds are back in the conversation. In 2022 when central banks started raising interest rates to combat inflation, the interest paid on new deposits, GICs and bonds have also risen.
A Brief Overview of IPP’s
An Individual Pension Plan is an employer sponsored defined benefit plan. IPP’s can be useful tax and retirement planning tools for incorporated business, executives, and professionals.
How Investment Income is Taxed
Investments can deliver a major source of income, and tax provide significant implications for individuals. Each major type of investment income is subject to special tax treatment.
Spousal RRSPs Reduce Taxes Now and During Retirement
Spousal Registered Retirement Savings Plans must not be universally understood by investors, because they are not utilized to their maximum benefit.